5 steps to successful branding & marketing
This is the roadmap I use to help purpose-driven organizations build their content strategies, brand architecture, and marketing KPIs. Borrow it for your own purposes. Allow it to inspire you to build brands that resonate with our hearts and empower our futures.
1. define your mythic journey
How did you get there? Why on earth did you decide to start this company? What's unique about it? What are the obstacles that almost stopped you from success? How did you rise from the ashes? How did you arrive at your core values? These are the totems that shall be echoed throughout your brand messaging. We need to feel your humanity, your failure, your wisdom, your integrity. Become a trusted human leader by owning your failure as a teacher.
2. realize your Core values
Take a look at your mythic journey. Who were the key players and how did they instill a sense of integrity in your mission? What tools did you learn to use? What is the singular truth that must be shared? You'll need three clearly defined values that echo the teachings of your mythic journey. What did you figure out that can save your audiences the trouble of learning the hard way? Build your business on customer-focused goals that inspire trust. Inform, refine, design, inform.
3. lay your foundation
Who are you serving? Get detailed here. Use qualitative and quantitative data to profile your audiences and determine who they are, where they live, what they love, when they go where, and how they feel. Then, define the four content pillars or product topics your brand solves. You want to be the provider of the content your audiences need to make an informed decision at any stage of your brand’s awareness. Be the provider of the truth.
4. be an eternal architect
Define your brand architecture based on your brand values, mythic journey, competitor differentiation, and audience preferences.
Extend your branding to the content defined in your four pillars. Each pillar should include many informative subtopics. Use a powerful CRM to learn how your audience is interacting with your content and refine it over time as you become the #1 trusted resource for audience searches. Keep refining as you learn from the data loops you design.
5. embrace the fool's/hero’s journey
You must believe the far-fetched is attainable when you ground into your core values and march forward as a trail-blazer. Your story must lead you and your customers above and beyond the expected. By grounded in your integrity, mission, and values, you will inspire your audience to know, like, and trust you. Inspire them to join your cause with unabashed charisma, fearless creativity, human vulnerability, thought leadership, and relentless support. Believe it is possible.