Amanda's creativity is unsurpassed. Just to meet her and talk with her, you will know this to be true. What became invaluable to our team and the company was her ability to take that creativity and work it into the fabric of our brand and our marketing. She understood that there were standards to adhere to, goals to meet and timely and specific messages to deliver and with her collaboration and direction we were successful. Never afraid to meet a challenge and graceful when handling them, Amanda has been a joy to work with. I would highly recommend Amanda to any company looking for on-point creative direction, she will elevate any brand she touches.
-Rachel Saunders
V.P. Marketing - Questech Corporation
Supervisor References
Neil Nowlin
VP of Marketing: Southwest Key Programs
I reported directly to Neil at Southwest Key Programs.
Rachel Saunders
VP of marketing: Questech
I reported directly to Rachel for four years while serving as Questech’s offsite Creative Director.
Melody Tarver
Senior Art Director: sq1 agency
Melody was my Senior at SQ1 Agency and served as my mentor.
Nancy Provolt
VP Marketing: The Bramton Co
I reported directly to Nancy for 5 years as the Art Director at the Bramton Company.
staff references
Natalia Sifuentes
staff: Graphic Designer - Southwest Key Programs
I hired Natalia after several months of contracting work with her. I worked with her to build out WordPress Landing Pages, Blog Articles, Paid Ads, and Print Media for our Marketing Campaigns.
Email: nat@melonpanmedia
Nathan Malachowski
contractor: design, production tech, animation
I contracted Nathan to support Enchantments with animations and production tech at several events. Nathan has also custom-coded websites and built out complex video projects under my direction.
Iffy Roma
contractor: Event Organizer & experience curator
I contracted Iffy to serve as a stage & production manager for Enchantments Events. She’s attended several of my workshops.
peer references
Linka Odom
owner: Hoot hoot post and linka odom photography
I develop branding and catalogs for Hoot Hoot Post. Linka also commissioned me to develop her personal brand logo. She refers lots of clients to me and is a repeat client.
Zárate Zaaló
Director: Bourgeois Mystics
I developed branding for the Bourgeois Mystics and several event posters for Zaalo’s events. Zaalo performed the Wiv Luv Water Fest: a hallmark eco-activation festival I produced as the director of Wiv Luv Activations.
Sarah Johnston ( red)
director: crash alchemy & agent red productions
I developed branding for Crash Alchemy and booked the troupe for the Wiv Luv Water Fest. I’ve also performed many gigs through Red's agency. We've worked together for more than 9 years.