Boss Witch Campaign


With the “charms Gillespie” chatbot automated, and the meditation lead magnets in place, enchantments boosted subscribers and leads. This ad skyrocketed the leads from 520 to 8,221 in less than 3 weeks.


The Outcome

The Challenge

Enchantments Magazine was preparing to launch its next round of articles, but our subscriber count was relatively low, sitting at 520 subscribers, all of which had been acquired through organic means. With our first workshop, Incantations, approaching, we recognized the need to bolster our social proof and increase our subscriber base to meet our target enrollment KPIs.

As the Director of Marketing and Creative at Enchantments, I took the initiative to develop a disruptive paid ad campaign aimed at building bot subscribers through page likes. At that time, anyone who "liked" a Business page automatically became subscribed to a conversation bot, which sent direct messages to new followers via Facebook Messenger. This chatbot functioned within Facebook Messenger to deliver automated conversation flows, integrating three lead magnets designed to offer a high-value, on-brand digital experience.

Subscribers skyrocketed from 520 to an impressive 8,221 in less than 3 weeks, marking a significant leap in our reach and engagement. Leveraging our chatbot strategy, all new followers seamlessly transitioned into email subscribers, amplifying our direct communication channels. Additionally, we successfully attracted over 300 local subscribers from Austin, thanks to the enticing lead magnet embedded within the chatbot.

To maximize engagement and cater to the diverse interests of our audience, we meticulously tagged and segmented our local email subscribers based on their preferences identified through the chatbot interactions. This allowed us to tailor targeted campaigns, seamlessly guiding subscribers towards relevant offerings such as the Incantations, a transformative 6-week course in Creative Liberation, and the Enchantments Wizards’ Expose, an immersive Ritual Performance Art event featuring local talents.

The response was overwhelming, with both the workshop and gala event booking at full capacity, showcasing the effectiveness of our strategic marketing efforts in driving engagement and fostering community participation.

The Process

Creating the Atmosphere:

We orchestrated a dynamic approach using our Electric Fire lead magnet in tandem with a messenger chatbot. Each new fan or page LIKE automatically enrolled users into our chatbot system, facilitating seamless engagement via email and messenger. The chatbot, in turn, introduced users to various magical tools, setting the stage for an immersive experience.

Targeting and Experimentation:

We identified three core audiences through the ManyChat CRM and audience polls.

This highly disruptive and wildly provocative, “Facebook LIKE” paid ads enticed users into a facebook chat-bot sequence. A ManyChat bot named Charms Gillespie, confessed to not being human, hoped to become real wizard one day by helping others achieve liberation. The bot guided users through a series of questions to identify their unique brand of wizardry and their preferred end goals: more love, more prosperity, or more healing.

Users could choose to enroll in a sequence that checked in over the course of weeks, or go directly to the techniques that, with practice would lead them to their goals. This immersive experience was first tested on African women who self-identified as having PTSD and seeking healing. The bot guided them through breathing techniques and trauma informed meditations. The automated chatbot, Charms Gillespie, gamified the breath-work techniques with player challenges, progress check-ins, and rewards.


The Design Process:

Enchantments delves into profound and often challenging topics such as death, suicide, PTSD, BDSM, and the intricacies of personal transformation. Given the nature of our content, it was imperative that our advertising resonated with these darker themes while keeping the topics approachable and progressive

Our approach centered on a visual rendering reminiscent of the 80's cartoon "She-Ra" (the twin sister of He-Man). This style was specifically tailored to appeal to our target demographic, which embraces magick within a pop-culture aesthetic.

The ad was strategically designed to captivate attention, employing flickering visuals and disruptive elements to stand out amidst the scrolling feed. The accompanying copy was crafted to evoke a sense of personal empowerment in the viewer.

With an impressive engagement rate of .01-.02 cents per like, this ad proved to be an unequivocal success, effectively resonating with our audience and driving meaningful engagement with our content.

After the user sequence was tested and refined with “penny ads” in developing countries, we targeted U.S.-based facebook users, skyrocketing our fan page to 10,000 followers in just under one month. This growth was achieved with minimal investment in advertising—less than $100.

Not only did this sequence drive social proof on Facebook, it also increased website subscribers, as Charms, the magical chatbot, had promised to deliver free content which could only be accessed via email. Email subscribers were invited to customize subscription settings, enabling further marketing of workshops and courses. Recognizing the rising trend of magick in pop culture, particularly in developing countries, we directed 75% of our paid ads towards these regions. This yielded just under 5,000 followers, although it also surfaced the challenge of users frequently requesting interaction with a "real person."

To further refine our outreach and engagement strategy, we allocated the remaining 25% of our ad budget to target lookalike audiences of our local Austin fans, but across major U.S. cities. This approach enabled us to expand our reach while maintaining relevance to our core demographic. As a result, we successfully amassed an additional 3,221 followers, who were subsequently integrated into a separate email audience and presented with tailored workshop content.