Enchantments Media


Enchantments Media was founded as social-practice art to help audiences liberate their creative genius and love their fate. Featuring immersive public rituals, performance art showcases, wizard community forums, courses in vocal chaos magic, and educational multi-media on psycho-magic


The challenge

In the vast landscape of online content, there seemed to be a noticeable absence of resources that delved deeply into the intersection of yogic techniques, Jungian archetype work, and tantric meditations. While there were certainly blogs and platforms dedicated to magic and personal transformation, they often lacked the nuanced exploration of these spiritual practices and perspectives.

Specifically, there was a dearth of edu-media that focused on integrating tantric meditations with archetype magic, also known as psycho-magic—a potent combination that held immense potential for profound inner shifts and outer manifestations.

Recognizing this gap presented a golden opportunity to carve out a unique niche in the digital sphere. By offering comprehensive insights, practical guidance, and transformative practices rooted in these ancient traditions, there was a chance to fill a void in the market and provide seekers with the tools and wisdom they needed to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and empowerment.

The ethos

Enchantments was conceived not merely as a platform for recounting my personal saga—an odyssey through the realms of self-empowerment and transformation—but as a beacon of hope and guidance for those navigating similar struggles. It arose from a profound understanding that the journey toward self-discovery is often fraught with obstacles—limiting self-beliefs, anxiety, and myriad other challenges—and a deep-seated desire to offer solace, inspiration, and practical tools to fellow travelers on the path.

Rooted in the soil of my own experiences, Enchantments was founded on the bedrock of creative liberation, genius cultivation, and an unwavering embrace of fate's unfolding. These core tenets serve as the beating heart of the brand, infusing every aspect of its being with purpose, passion, and authenticity.

Our mission extends far beyond mere education; it is a commitment to empowerment, to liberation, and to the boundless potential that lies dormant within each and every one of us. Through our words, our experiences, and our ethos, we seek to ignite the flames of inspiration, to awaken the dormant genius that resides within, and to embolden individuals to reclaim their power and rewrite the script of their lives.

Every touch-point of communication, be it visual or editorial, is imbued with the essence of our mission—to uplift, to inspire, and to empower. From the evocative content in our videos to the insightful workshops that illuminate the path forward, each element is carefully crafted to resonate with the deepest recesses of the human spirit and to ignite the spark of transformation.

Enchantments is more than just a media platform; it is a sanctuary for seekers, a refuge for dreamers, and a catalyst for change. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a celebration of the beauty of the human experience, and a reminder that, no matter how dark the night may seem, the dawn of a new day is always within reach.

the mythic journey

This endeavor began as a deeply personal quest—an exploration of my own mythic journey toward self-empowerment. I felt compelled to share my narrative, to lay bare the intricacies of my soul, without subjecting the people I hold dear to undue scrutiny. Thus, under the pseudonym Isabeau Strega, I embarked on a journey of self-expression through blogging.

Drawing upon my newfound skills in writing for the web, honed through several courses, I crafted a series of articles that delved into the depths of my experiences and insights. One such article, "Lightning Dancing 101," struck a chord with readers and quickly went viral, serving as a catalyst for further exploration and content creation.

growing the experience:

As the audience and subscribers grew, we built a CRM with feedback loops to help us refine our email campaign to include more pep talks and local workshops. Every article and offering harkened to either the cultivation of creative genius or the integration of fate with love. The modern magician leans into what is and shamelessly embodies the buffet of fates co-created by their divine genius.

With just fifteen articles and the contributions of three dedicated individuals, Enchantments began to take root as an organization. In a mere month, we garnered over 300 organic subscribers—an affirmation of the resonance of our message and the power of authentic storytelling.


I quickly realized that Enchantments was much more than a digital magazine—it was an immersive experience of our most benevolent selves through the strategic manipulation of our subconscious will! With this revelation, I decided to change the name to Enchantments Media and embarked on the journey to develop life-changing workshops, events, and YouTube content with a community of genius wizards.

The era of Facebook Groups

Capitalizing on the era of facebook groups Enchantments fans were encouraged to join the private community of weird wizards wanting to discuss magic, tantra, meditation, and ritual.

experiential marketing via magical chat bot

We identified three core audiences through the CRM and audience polls. Each lead began with a unique proposition as seen below.

Highly disruptive and wildly provocative, “Facebook LIKE” paid ads enticed users into a facebook chat-bot sequence. A ManyChat bot named Charms Gillespie, confessed to not being human, hoped to become real wizard one day by helping others achieve liberation. The bot guided users through a series of questions to identify their unique brand of wizardry and their preferred end goals: more love, more prosperity, or more healing.

Users could choose to enroll in a sequence that checked in over the course of weeks, or go directly to the techniques that, with practice would lead them to their goals. This immersive experience was first tested on African women who self-identified as having PTSD and seeking healing. The bot guided them through breathing techniques and trauma informed meditations. The automated chatbot, Charms Gillespie, gamified the breath-work techniques with player challenges, progress check-ins, and rewards.

“It actually worked! I feel better." -Anonymous guest (cape hope)

After the user sequence was tested and refined with “penny ads” in developing countries, we targeted U.S.-based facebook users, skyrocketing our fan page to 10,000 followers in just under one month. This growth was achieved with minimal investment in advertising—less than $100.

Not only did this sequence drive social proof on Facebook, it also increased website subscribers, as Charms, the magical chatbot, had promised to deliver free content which could only be accessed via email. Email subscribers were invited to customize subscription settings, enabling further marketing of workshops and courses.

experiential workshops in vocal chaos magick

With a robust click-funnel strategy in place and a rapidly growing community of enthusiasts, I spearheaded the creation of Enchantments' inaugural immersive course: "Incantations - A Liberation Course in Vocal Chaos Magic." This transformative journey began locally in Austin, TX, inviting participants to explore a rich tapestry of practices including Tibetan meditation techniques, breath-work, vocal mastery, character embodiment, Jungian archetype integration, glossolalia, and sigil magick.

Our workshops, conducted in hour-long sessions, served as portals to self-discovery and empowerment. Participants were encouraged to immerse themselves fully in each practice, allowing them to unlock hidden potentials and tap into the vast reservoir of their creative genius. Throughout the course, we fostered a culture of open dialogue and continuous feedback, inviting participants to share their experiences, insights, and suggestions at every touchpoint.

Guided by the invaluable feedback from our participants, I meticulously refined the course content and structure, ensuring that each session was tailored to meet the evolving needs and aspirations of our community. As a result, "Incantations" evolved into a comprehensive 6-week deep dive, offering participants a more immersive and transformative experience.

I launched a national digital marketing campaign that wildly surpassed sales goals and fully booked the life-changing course with 100% completion and raving reviews.

“I’ve never taken a course that had such a profound change on my expression. Your work is really important. Please keep doing it.”

~ Fiona Robinson (Austin, TX)

We launched the YouTube Channel in 2019. Enchantments partnered with Bre Lembitz and Iffy Roma of Ministry of Muse to create the Enchantments Wizard’s Exposé, a survey of Austin’s weirdest public rituals for social change. The Expose also served as the Enchantments YouTube launch party.

Read more about the Wizards’ Exposé here >

YouTube Content

Our educational media naturally expanded to YouTube, where we produced a handful of educational videos featuring myself as the lead. I took on the roles of producing the opening audio track, creating the animations, scripting, filming, and editing all YouTube content, ensuring each video was optimized for SEO. My mastery of the magick craft was so effective that I was scouted for a role with Southwest Key Programs, leading to my departure from directing Enchantments. I had assembled a small yet mighty production team, that had quickly learned the intricacies of building an edu-media platform dedicated to serving humanity's liberation through the magick arts, compassion, and self-awareness.

Together, we made a tangible difference in our community, lifting our voices in our most benevolent expression of truth. While my time with Enchantments Media was limited, I invite you to explore the treasures we've left behind on our platform.